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S-Play firmware 2.2.0 release

by ENTTEC Dubai
March 6, 2023

The S-Play is ENTTEC’s groundbreaking smart show controller: your all-in-one solution for the recording, triggering, and activation of not only light shows but video, non-lighting events, and much more. 

Introducing multi-unit sync

New to the S-Play 2.2.0 firmware release comes the ability to sync your S-Play devices in order to record or playback shows larger than 32 Universes. All S-Plays on your network can now auto-discover each other and be saved as either a follower or leader for the playback group.

Just imagine the benefits!

You’ll find this new feature on the Settings page of the S-Play’s web interface.
  • Use multiple S-Plays on an installation to increase the overall playback universe count. Simply add another S-Play for another 32 universes.
  • Existing customers using the S-Play now have the ability to increase the capacity of their current installation.
  • All S-Plays will be able to re-discover each other after a power outage and wait for the lead S-Play to trigger all other devices
  • Synchronisation of each S-Play is undertaken using the well-known standard Precision Time Protocol. This ensures that the clock sync of all S-Plays is within sub-millisecond latency and that playback will be within one DMX frame of accuracy. Ideal for large pixel grids and building facades with high universe counts, you can also say goodbye to content tearing!
  • Large projects that would have traditionally needed ELM running on a PC can start transitioning to using S-Plays instead. This is a more operationally stable solution, and if you’re working with anything up to 96 Universes, it will be a more cost-effective option too.

So, if you have an S-Play, head to the S-Play webpage to grab yourself the latest firmware. And if you don’t have an S-Play … check out the page and learn why you should probably get one!




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